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Archive for November 29, 2011

Visitors at Gullringstorp !

Last evening we had visitors to Gullringstorp. Marie had seen my blog earlier and we have had several email and phone conversations about goats. She and her family have been considering starting a small herd of their own. After reading about our goats at Gullringstorp, she asked if she could come by and visit, at feeding time. The first time they visited around the end of October, we were very excited to welcome her family to Gullringstorp. We had a fun time; the goats enjoyed all the extra attention and we hoped Marie’s family  had a good time. Well they did and they contacted us for a second visit.

My husband and I were more than happy to have them return. We do not say anywhere in my blog that we are “goat experts”, but what we can offer is our personal experience. We may not have had our herd for 20 years or so, but we have had many experiences and the learning curve has been steep. I have always been one to share my experiences, good or bad. If someone wants to learn and shows a sincere interest, I will share. I feel quite honored, actually that this family has faith in us here at Gullringstorp and have come to us to learn about caring for a small herd of West African Miniature Dairy goats.

Our interested family arrived last evening for their second visit, just as I had completed the evening meals for our goats. We hope they enjoyed this visit also!

They came bearing gifts of two 2 kg bags of carrots! Wow were we ever surprised. What a sweet thing to do.

They came bearing gifts of two 2 kg bags of carrots! Wow were we ever surprised. What a sweet thing to do.

This young fellow seemed more interested in the stable than the goats, this time

This young fellow seemed more interested in the stable than the goats, this visit

While the hay stack was being looked after, Marie was happy to hand feed our little bucks, Flynn, Balder and Baby Boy

While the hay stack was being looked after, Marie was happy to hand feed our little bucks, Flynn, Balder and Baby Boy

There is some care given to my dinner preparations, not all the goats like the same thing or the same amount of ingredients;

  • 1 bucket for the three baby does: Iris, Petunia and Ivy  to share (Chopped apples and carrots, small enough for their tiny mouths)
  • 1 bowl for Hilda, Peanut and Little Man (Chopped apples and carrots, and any greens I can get ,all about the same size now since her babies are big now)
  • 1 container for Frida and 1 container for Poppy and Poppy to share(Chopped apples and carrots, and any greens I can get , some smaller sized because these girls are still quite tiny compared to the other babies)
  • 1 container for Pumpkin and 1 container for Rose (Chopped apples and a few carrots for Pumpkin, more carrots for Rose, she like them)
  • 1 container for Nanna ( Chopped apples, carrots and any greens I can get, placed outside her box where she loves to eat her dinner)
  • 1 large bucket for the bucks Flynn, Balder and Baby Boy ( Chopped veggies and fruits of all and any kind make them happy. Large chunks for easy hand feeding)
  • 1 large container to be shared by Keriana and Alika ( Chopped veggies and fruits, but not so many carrots)
Marie soon learned that the boys are easier to feed from outside the box. They are better behaved

Marie and her partner soon learned that the boys are easier to feed from outside the box. They are better behaved while being fed.

While the others were busy with feeding, our little fellow was exploring the milking stand

While the others were busy with feeding and the babies were having a run about, our little fellow was exploring the milking stand

When we have them, we offer the goats who like them , bananas as a treat after dinner. the adults get a few whole slices while the babies get 1/2 of a slice, if they want them. All our adults LOVE bananas and now we have some of the younger ones also developing a taste for yummy bananas.

Marie offers bananas  to Poppy and Pansy

Marie offers small banana slices to Poppy and Pansy while Frida wonders where her bananas are

Poppy and Pansy really love bananas, when ever they are available

Poppy and Pansy really love bananas, when available

Even our little boys are happy whenever bananas are on the menu

Even our little boys are happy whenever bananas are on the menu

Our new "stable hand" continues to check on the hay stacks

Our new happy "stable hand" continues to check on the hay stacks

My husband gives a little love to Rose who loves being held

My husband gives a little love to Rose who loves being held

Marie is offered a chance to hold Rose. Good practice for the future goat owner.

Marie offers Rose a slice of banana.

Marie and her partner are given the chance to hold little Rose. Good practice fro future goat owners.

Marie and her partner are given the chance to hold little Rose. Good practice for future goat owners.

They did a fine job for the first time! Time to put little Rose down.

They did a fine job for the first time! Time to put little Rose down.

Marie and her partner get to know Rose and Rose gets to know them

Marie and her partner get to know Rose and Rose gets to know them

Our new "stable hand" is busy at work as Iris looks on

Our new "stable hand" is busy at work as Iris looks on

Ivy and Petunia were a bit shy and observed from a safe distance

Ivy and Petunia were a bit shy and observed from a safe distance

What a busy little fellow! He found our supply of brooms and rakes.

What a busy little fellow! He found our supply of brooms and rakes.

Looks like he is really serious about his work!

Looks like he is really serious about his work!

We want to thank Marie and her family for visiting Gullringstorp. Our goats would like to thank them for the yummy carrots they brought with them. I would like them to know that they are most welcome back anytime,  to just be around the goats and maybe in the process,  learn a bit about the art of goat keeping.

We welcome visitors to Gullringstorp! Once again, we are not expert goat owners, we just love our little herd and have learned a lot about goats, and raising them. We are happy to share what we know and will gladly point you in the right direction for answers to questions we are unable to answer for you.

We certainly hope to have more visitors to Gullringstorp!